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Appointment Management at Clinical Facilities:

A clinic is a place where most patients seek immediate medical assistance for a large number of diseases or health ailments. So, it is very certain to face a large number of outpatient appointments per day, and managing the patients as per appointment made is a challenging process. Also, it is essential for a doctor to have appointments at different locations organized, to avoid any mistake with their appointments that might hurt their customer relationship. This requirement makes the base for having an appointment managing feature, a digitized solution, that can handle the process avoiding certain drawbacks from a manual system, like dilemmas from manual appointment management, coinciding appointments, and canceled appointment updates.

The advantages of using a clinic management system:

The Appointment Management feature comes along with the software that handles clinic management. A Clinic Management System is software that is designed to supervise the quotidian events at a clinic and is also helpful for doctors to manage their duties at every different location they visit and consult. It is configured to help the users with multi-location management, role-based access, specialty-wise records, and viewing a complete patient dashboard.

The uses of an Appointment Management System:

Usually, a day at a health center starts with front desk administration, as in managing the appointments for the day as a first step. Certainly, keeping it simple and sorted can help the healthcare professional to handle the day collectedly. As the number of patient appointments can vary every day, and also the type of medical problem the patient wants to solve differs, a lot of time could be saved as well as planned, and effective execution of the day is possible, with this feature of appointment management around.

The features of an Appointment Management system:

Clinic Management System is a dependable and systematic patient management software, that organizes the everyday activities in a health center. It also serves the purpose of having Electronic Health Records and allows E-Prescription.

As a constituent, this possesses a striking appointment management component. This serves the purpose of handling regular appointments on a daily basis. Having said that, this component is designed to assist in every activity related to appointment arrangements. For instance, a

person can make an appointment with a particular doctor for that day. Due to some reason, they might prefer to make a change in the time of consultation, the clinic to get consulted at, or even may want to change the date of the visit. In this case, having this done manually at the front desk is tedious in terms of time, and communication, and there are possibilities to make mistakes.

This is easy with a digitized solution, that can be used to do each of these tasks, error-free. With an appointment management functionality, we can easily have this requirement updated. The patient’s request can be updated in the system, and the Doctors have an immediate view of their current appointments for the day. The doctors can also have the changes and cancellations in their schedule notified, which helps them to plan their day accordingly.

Thus, with an appointment management functionality, it is possible to

● View the appointments of the day

● Track the status of appointments

● Make the slot or location changes

● Easy cancellation

● Ability to manage multi-clinic appointments - for doctors

To conclude, using an appointment management solution, helps to keep the process uncomplicated.

There is a remarkable improvement in the healthcare industry over years, and as the awareness of self-health among the public is rising every day, healthcare services are witnessing high demand from time to time. One such requirement is the services from medical diagnostic labs. Laboratories, Pathology, or Diagnostic, take in orders from doctors of various specialties, or even self-orders from the common public every day, and are obligated to arrive at highly reliable results every time, and it is important that they maintain rapport with every customer.

This is a great challenge for laboratories facing high intake every day. Accordingly, it is highly essential that the important part of a lab test - “the Sample”, is handled with great care, as a first step towards efficient operation management. This explains the need for reliable sample management, tracking & batching. For every lab order, the required sample is first collected, which is next moved to the appropriate laboratory and analyzed. Every sample that undergoes a lab test goes through the sample lifecycle and is managed as implied in the following manner.

Sample Management:

A sample is simply a small amount of the required test input, that is collected from the patient, for analysis. The term “sample management” implies how a test sample is collected, tracked through the entire sample lifecycle, and how it is handled post-analysis.

The Sample Lifecycle:

Every laboratory test goes through the following phases as it enters the sample lifecycle:

● Pre-Analytical phase: Clinical test is ordered, the sample is collected and moved

● Analytical phase: Clinical test is conducted and the sample is analyzed

● Post-Analytical phase: Clinical test report is generated.

Sample Collection and Movement:

Usually, once a test is ordered, the labs start the procedure by collecting the required samples from the patient. Based on the type of test, the required type of sample, and the quantity of the same varies.

With a modernized Lab Information Management System, there is a facility to track the samples with barcodes, which makes it possible to have a unique ID for every sample collected. These barcodes, further assist in tracking the sample movement throughout the test process.

Once the sample is acquired, it is subjected to accession or rejection, to ensure that the sample is valid to conduct the test. Once passed, the sample is segregated based on the test ordered. The collected sample is then moved to the laboratory where the test is to be conducted. Now, this could be any lab, a franchise, an outsourced lab, or a B2B lab, based on the requirement. This typically covers the pre-analytic phase of a sample lifecycle.

Sample Analysis:

This is when the collected sample is tested by centrifugation, as per the order, and the test results are generated, which are further verified by a professional who can understand the test and the results.

Sample Archival:

This is a procedure that is carried out on the sample collected for certain tests, where the sample is stored for a long term after test completion, which could be useful as evidence or for audit purposes in the future.

Result Notification:

After the lab test is conducted and the desired results are achieved, it is verified by a suitable specialist, and a test report is generated. This test report is a clear and precise record of the patient’s health condition, that is revealed from the test. After the report is created, the healthcare center or the patient is promptly notified of that. Some LIMS offer Email report generation as well. Finally, the test report is dispatched to the customer.

As indicated, the sample is the most crucial component for a lab test. Thus supervising and operating the same with esteemed care is as important as arriving at precise results, and maintaining a great TAT.


The evolution of Dental practice:

The dental practice has become an important and integral service of the healthcare industry with increasing awareness of oral health among people and intensified need for dental treatments. Having said that, this sector is gaining significance over time, and also the day-to-day activities in dentistry are gradually rising. From patients making single visits to regular visits, doctors consulting at single or multiple clinics wish to keep their work organized and tracked on an everyday basis. Though modern dentistry practices have been available over the past two centuries, there has been a great improvement in the industry since the late 19th century.

Dental Practice Management Software:

With advances in the services available, and also the increasing demand for the same, comes the need for integrating technology to keep the system up to-date and modern. Nowadays, every industry is managed with customized software that supports the need for easy, quick, and systematic day-to-day administration. One such development is Dental Practice Management Software. The first-ever dental software came into existence at the end of the 20th century, marking a milestone in the healthcare industry, especially in Dentistry. The software was configured to handle the Dental office's regular tasks, thus making it possible to keep the treatment on track, for all the patients. With the use of the software comes the availability of maintaining records and managing tasks regularly.

The need for Dental Management Software:

Utilizing software to operate everyday front desk activities, keep a record of a patient’s treatment, and maintain the history of the reports for reference purposes, makes it crucial in today’s rapidly altering circumstances. It allows the user to manage time, maintain customer relationships, and also keep up productivity at the workplace. Thus, the use of Dental Management Software ensures the possibility of such factors and also helps to strengthen the reputation that has been achieved over years. Possessing one such digital solution can help the user to easily handle each of their patients effectively, without any miss in the treatment or their records.

The convincing features of Dental software:

A dental practice management software, with the following features, can prove its ability to match the needs of the user.

Effective Appointment Management:

Using Dental Practice Management Software can help dental clinics by reducing the time taken to take in appointments and also assist in rescheduling an appointment based on their fixed ones.

Viable Diversified Billing System: Dental software is capable of handling any type of payment request based on the treatment type, as in single payment or installment, thereby keeping it simple at billing.

Secured EHR Management: Receiving patient data, storing, updating, and maintaining them in a secure manner, guarantees the availability of a patient’s end-to-end records, related to their ailment. This can guide a dentist to handle even ongoing treatment, without the need for learning the history of the patient.

Factual Inventory Management: The ability to track the stocks’ availability and demand, can help to handle the inventory needs perfectly.

Video Consultation: With rising demands towards teleconsultation due to certain economical or personal situations, having a video consultation facility in place can help to avoid the need for rescheduling or even missing a routine or regular check-up.

Precise Analytics: The availability of an oral health center’s data analytics, could help them in improving their performance regularly, thereby keeping up with their standards.

Visual Dental Charts: The feature of having the ability to maintain and view dental charts could help with treatment in the process, as it is always supportive to have a visible imaging record.

Timely Notification: Recently, it has become a friendly custom to keep the patients notified on either their review checkup or even some tips like educating on “better practices to maintain oral health”. This can help the consumer to maintain rapport with their patients.

Summing up, making use of Dental Practice Management Software, facilitates accommodating the demands of a Dental clinic, and assisting them to carry out end-to-end tasks, effectively.

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